Thursday, 28 May 2015

Starting again...again

It's been almost 3 months since I last studied Russian (with the exception of Memrise, which after a break and a huge catch up of words to revise, I do almost daily). Officially I failed the #Add1Challenge, although I gained so much from taking part. I have wondered about continuing. It feels as if I've forgotten so much and I'm not sure what the point is. I know it's partly to do with the challenges life has thrown at me recently. My dad passed away, and a good friend of mine has also died - which has left me a little lost...

I know deep down if I give up on Russian now I will regret it. Even if (at the moment) it seems a random and slightly pointless thing to pursue. I have signed up for a ten week summer course in the hope that it will rekindle my passion for Russian, help refresh the habits I was building back in February and give me a reason to keep going when the course is up. I'm actually looking forward to studying with other people as well. If nothing else parting with money should be good motivation to get something out of it!

The course starts at the end of June, and I will be posting here about being back in the classroom again and my thoughts on learning a language this way. In the meantime I'm starting small with two 10 minute Russian binges a day. The first 10 mins will be spent on Memrise, and the second 10 mins I'll spend on an audio lesson or working with a text book. Hopefully, this will build into something more, but for now I just need to get used to doing something regularly again.

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